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6 Exfoliating Scrubs Your Skin Will Love!

By November 11, 2018Essential Oils
6 Exfoliating Scrubs Your Skin Will Love

One of the keys to smooth skin is to exfoliate regularly. After removing dead skin cells, don’t forget to apply a moisturizer to feed your skin the nutrients it needs and to keep the moisture in. Exfoliation can be performed using different methods using natural ingredients and is recommended by skincare experts to do 1-2x/week, depending on condition of the skin. Below are 6 of our favorite recipes. Read more on the benefits of exfoliation here.

Directions for the recipes below:
Combine all ingredients in a  4 oz container
PET plastic containers make great containers for scrubs. Use a handful on your arms, legs and back. Don’t use on your face. The oils in the scrubs can make the shower floor slippery. If it does, make sure you clean the bathroom floor when finished. Avoid exfoliation 24-48 hours after shaving. Try Skin Body Balm for a great post-exfoliating moisturizer.

A Day in the Tropics Sugar Scrub

Coffee Lovers Scrub

Green Earth Scrub

Detox Your Skin


15 drops Fusion Eternity Blend


Spicy Citrus

A Man’s Scrub– Ok Gent’s, you can use any of the scrubs mentioned above, and you might even gravitate toward the Green Earth Scrub above… but I created this one especially for you.


15 drops Nature Eternity Blend


What are your favorite body scrub recipes? Please share!


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