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Smooth Your Skin with Exfoliation

By September 7, 2016Essential Oils
Exfoliate with Essential Oils

The skin is the largest organ in the body and through it we absorb nutrients as well as expel impurities.
Did you know that the dust in your home is 75-80 percent dead skin cells? In fact, most of us lose about 8-9 pounds of skin through dead skin cells every year. If we do not exfoliate regularly, those cells can remain on the surface of skin, clogging pores, while blocking moisture from getting into the deeper layers, which will create a dry, dull complexion. Exfoliation is key to have smooth, soft, glowing skin. The gentle application of using a scrub also enhances healthy circulation to the skin while removing dead skin cells that clog the pores.

One of the most natural ways of softening your skin is by exfoliating with a sugar or salt scrub. Using natural ingredients from your kitchen, you can promote a healthy glow to dull, dry skin while reaping the benefits of essential oils. Sahana S. Braswell, Owner & Skin Care Specialist of Indiva Spa and Wellness says “ Exfoliation is the encouragement of renewal. For example, dry brushing done in the morning, before the , invigorates the skin. If you have delicate or sensitive skin, limit exfoliating to once per week, but for other skin types 2-3 times per week.”

Taking care of your skin makes you feel good!

Here are some more benefits of exfoliating your body:

• Self Confidence- by feeling good in your skin
• Reduce and/or eliminate breakouts on your neck chest, or other areas of the body
• Increases circulation to the skin and nourishment
• Help reduce the appearance of dark spots or age spots
• Minimize the appearance of pores
• Help eliminate dry skin and flakiness
• Get smoother elbows and knees
• Assist with skin detoxification
• Allows your skin to absorb better moisture, as it penetrates more deeply into exfoliated skin
• Helps prevent ingrown hairs and make hair removal easier
• Smooth razor bumps and bumpy “chicken skin”

Below are a few recipes for creating your own body scrub*

Lavender & Rose Sugar Scrub
½ cup Turbinado Sugar (or sugar in the raw)
¼ cup Rose Petal Infused Carrier Oil
¼ cup Almond Carrier Oil
10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
5 drops Geranium Essential Oil

Detox Salt Scrub
½ cup Jojoba Carrier Oil
½ cup Sea Salt
15-20 drops Fusion Eternity Blend

Combine all ingredients in a 12 oz (360 ml) container

* PET plastic containers make great containers for scrubs and leave the scrub in the shower. Use a handful on your arms, legs and back. Don’t use on your face. It can make the shower floor slippery. If it does, make sure you clean the bathroom floor when finished.

Do not exfoliate 24-48 hours after shaving.

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