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Study: Anti-Dandruff Abilities of Rosemary, Tea Tree and Lime Essential Oils

By September 11, 2023Essential Oils
Study: Anti-Dandruff Abilities of Rosemary, Tea Tree and Lime Essential Oils

A study on dandruff published following:

Essential oils of herbal origin such as Tea Tree, Lime, and Rosemary, have gained global importance in dermatology. These oils are rich in aromatic secondary metabolites that impart substantial antimicrobial properties and resisting biofilm production.

On the basis of the available information, we can conclude that essential oils have huge potential to be developed as anti-dandruff products.

A simple way to use these oils is to add 2-3 drops to your shampoo prior to applying.

Results: Dandruff, characterised by clinical symptoms of dryness, pruritis, scaly, and flaky scalp, is considered as a primary manifestation of seborrheic dermatitis. Amongst various etiological and pathophysiological factors, significant role of yeasts, primarily, species of Malassezia, Candida, has been strongly correlated with dandruff, while incidences of M. furfur, M. restricta and M. globosa are high compared to others. Due to relapse of symptoms with withdrawal of conventional anti-dandruff products, patients find best alternatives in natural products. Essential oils of herbal origin such as tea tree oil, lime oil, rosemary oil, have gained global importance in dermatology. These oils are rich in aromatic secondary metabolites, especially terpenes and phenolic components that impart substantial antimicrobial properties and resisting biofilm production.

Conclusion: On the basis of the available information, we can conclude that essential oils have huge potential to be developed as anti-dandruff products, however, further studies are warranted to establish their efficacy in dandruff cure.

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