A clinical study found that essential oils can reduce long-term scar tissue.
In this study, a blend of Helichrysum, lavender, lemongrass, patchouli and myrrh, diluted in a carrier oil, was applied to scar tissue every morning and night for six months.
Upon close measurement, the researchers determined that these essential oils successfully reduced long-formed scar tissue.
“The essential oil combination consisted of 1.67% Helichrysum italicum, 1% lavender, 1.3%, lemongrass, 0.6% patchouli, 0.83% myrrh, and up to 100% vegetable oil. The essential oil was packaged in a dark bottle with a roller tip for easy application. The research subjects were given a combination of essential oils on hypertrophic scar tissue for six months at a dose of two times a day, morning and night. The amount of essential oil that is applied is sufficient not to spill and cover all scar areas.”