Workplace-related stress has become today’s most serious occupational hazard. Aromatherapy is a simple, convenient and non-invasive method of stress relief.
A clinical study examined the effectiveness of lavender essential oil inhalation in reducing job stress-related symptoms among nurses.
The 53 nurses in the experimental group pinned small bottles containing 3% lavender essential oil on their clothes, whereas 57 participants in the control group pinned bottles with no lavender oil.
Aromatherapy was shown to be effective in the reduction of the number of stress symptoms for 3 to 4 days.
The stress symptoms of the experimental group decreased from 6.1 to 2.8 after aromatherapy was carried out.
This was a significant decrease in stress, whereas the stress symptoms in the control group increased from 5.6 to 5.8.
Hospital staff managers are often encouraged to include aromatherapy concepts and techniques in the continuing education of nursing staff.