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Autumn Aromas: Part 2 – Diffuser Blends for Your Home & Office

Autumn Diffuser Blends

What is it about Fall that you enjoy most? Is it the crisp cool air? The beautiful colors of the leaves changing? Maybe it’s the warm cider or Chai tea with pastries and pumpkin spices… There is a lot to enjoy this season!

In Traditional Chinese medicine, Autumn is the season that governs organization, setting limits and protecting boundaries. This is the perfect time of the year to wrap up unfinished business from the spring or summer and enjoy the fruits of your hard work. It is also a great time for new beginnings and to create new projects. It is the season of taking care of your body and mind by letting go of anything that you are holding on to, and being mindful while creating an open space to allow room for new experiences where we can learn, grow and become creative.

Below are some diffuser recipes that you and the ones around you can appreciate this season.

Good Morning Wake up– Mentally stimulating, makes a great office blend when feeling sleepy, or if you need that extra focus. Diffuse by your desk with the Aromafier for a great pick me up!

2 drops Cypress

2 drops Rosemary

2 drops Lime

Log Cabin Blend – Mood lifting, comforting, inner peace, eases anxiety.

2 drops of Juniper

2 drops of Cedarwood

2 drops of Sweet Orange

Warming Elements Blend – Warm the heart, body and mind. Stimulates creativity, alertness and productivity while decreasing mental sluggishness.

3 drops of Cinnamon

2 drops of Clove

2 drops of Balsam Fir

Coming up next… Autumn Aromas: Spa Treatments

What are your favorite Fall blends? Please share!

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