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4 Studies on Fennel Essential Oil

By June 25, 2021Essential Oils

Learn about the benefits of Fennel Essential Oil from these 4 scientific studies.

1. “Our findings support the beneficial effects of fenchone and limonene for augmenting wound healing. The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities of fenchone and limonene oil increased collagen synthesis and decreased the number of inflammatory cells during wound healing and may be useful for treating skin wounds.”

2. “Thus, the results of the present study indicate that the essential oil of F. vulgare (Fennel Essential Oil) may have potential clinical applications in the management of anxiety.”

3. Protection against pesticides: “Our study attempted to evaluate the protective effects of fennel essential oil (FEO), the main essential oil extracted from Faeniculum vulgare Mill., a plant with aromatic, flavorful, and medicinal uses, against toxicity induced by an insecticide-triflumuron (TFM)-in human carcinoma cells (HCT116). The results indicated a perceptible decrease in DNA damages and a significant reduction in the mitochondrial membrane potential loss. Our work demonstrates that FEO can be an important protector against toxic effects induced by TFM in HCT 116 cells.”

4. “Outdoor air pollution and fine particulate matter (PM) were recently classified as carcinogenic to humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The exposure to airborne particulate matter also contributes to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, which are major public health concerns. Up to now, no work has evaluated the ability of essential oils as an alternative medicine to relieve the adverse health effects caused by airborne particulate matter. Overall our findings evidence for the first time that natural essential oil components counteract the inflammatory effects of particulate matter and that encapsulation in cyclodextrins preserved their properties.”


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