This is part 3 of the extensive research paper on Peppermint Essential Oil. The researchers said the following regarding Peppermint’s anti fatigue activity:
Physical fatigue is defined as the inability to maintain voluntary activities and is associated with physical decline.
Exercise produces an excessive accumulation of blood lactate and blood urea nitrogen, which can lead to metabolic disturbance and ultimately fatigue.
Peppermint Essential Oil may increase cellular energy metabolism by stimulating the central nervous system, as menthol can stimulate the adrenal cortex to enhance energy, and lower blood lactate level.
Peppermint Oil may increase lung capacity in healthy subjects, to provide more oxygen to the brain and effectively eliminate fatigue.
In addition, Peppermint Essential Oil increases body alertness and improves mental refreshment.
Peppermint can modulate the olfactory pathway of the brain, relieve anxiety, diminish pain and impulse, and promote sleep quality, contributing to its anti fatigue activity.
3.7 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0753332222009489