Carrot seed is known as the oil of youth. It is extremely high in antioxidants which are wonderful at combating the effects of aging. They do this by fighting free radicals—the elements that break down tissue and cause aging, cancer, hair to grey, eye sight to diminish, and many other ailments common as you age. Carrot seed is also great at detoxifying the body. Detoxifying is especially beneficial in supporting the kidneys, liver, and to a lesser extent, all the other internal organs which are benefited by detoxification. Carrot seed has also been used to combat flatulence, menstrual issues, and is a natural diuretic. Carrot seed essential oil is best used by diffusing or in a massage carrier oil.
If you are looking to create a blend using carrot seed, keep in mind that it blends well with Cedar Wood, Lavender, Geranium, Juniper, and Citrus oils.