The Universe of Rosemary Essential Oils
On the planet earth, there are 300,000 higher plant species that are distinctly different in chemical constituents. Out of the 300,000 only 10% of them have been studied for their constituent medical properties. Out of that 10% of plants only 2% have been studied and used in the practice of Aroma Therapy. Rosemary (rosemarinus officialis) essential oil contains a half-dozen constituents that have been studied to help stop the breakdown of acetylcholinein in the body. Medical studies have suggested that the body breakdowns or elimination of acetycholoinein have been shown to slow down or retard mental functions. In the United States, the average American diet is very poor in essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Not getting the daily amount of nutrients causes the body to develop a key lack of particular vitamins and minerals in the body and in return the body cannot heal itself on a cellular level and goes into a state of decline.
Aroma Therapists and herbalists throughout history have used rosemary to help get rid of free radicals by using the high antioxidant properties of rosemary. Rosemary has been found to have awakening properties to the mind and has a long history of enhancing the thought process. Rosemary is rich in vitamins A, B-complex (folic acid, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and riboflavin) and is high in antioxidant vitamin C. Rosemary is often called “the super spice” because it not only has a great source of vitamins but also has earth giving minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, and magnesium. All together a great gift from mother earth and one that should not be forgotten in one’s Essential Oil and herbal first aid kit.