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Study: Juniper Essential Oil for Wrinkles and Fine Lines

By October 27, 2023Essential Oils
Study: Juniper Essential Oil for Wrinkles and Fine Lines

The Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology published a study on Juniper Essential Oil‘s potential abilities to reduce wrinkles and skin aging.

Essential oils penetrate into the skin and have an influence on the dermis, which is the thick layer of skin under the epidermis (thin outer layer) that contains blood vessels, sweat glands and nerve endings.

Elastase is an enzyme which degenerates dermal elastin, which is a protein that provides elasticity and resilience to tissues.

Elastase activity is believed to contribute to cutaneous wrinkling and aging.

Elastase activity was inhibited by various essential oils, especially by those oils derived from lemons, juniper and grapefruit.

However, because lemon and grapefruit are photosensitizing oils that can cause sunburns; Juniper would be the better option.

These studies demonstrate a possible rationale for the use of Juniper essential oil as a preventive treatment for cutaneous wrinkling and aging.

Simply add a drop to your favorite skin moisturizer or carrier oil and massage into your skin.

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