Rosemary Essential Oil (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Rosemary is an evergreen shrub with numerous branches. It blooms tiny pale blue blossoms abound from December through spring. It can grow to close to 6 feet high. Its name means ‘dew of the sea’ due to the fact Rosemary naturally grows near the Mediterranean Sea. It has been used medicinally for thousand years, and its leaves were traditionally burned to purify the air. Rosemary was used in Roman burial rites from ancient time until well into the middle ages when it was customary to lay branches of rosemary on the coffin at funerals.
The aroma of Rosemary oil is warm and stimulating, herbaceous and refreshing. Have a little brain fog? Aromatherapist use Rosemary to strengthen mental awareness. Its warming qualities may help some with arthritic joints and rheumatism, being used in compresses, baths, or in massage blends. It has a long reputation for helping memory, not only by stimulating the mind but by increasing blood flow.
For centuries Rosemary oil has been used for troubled skin and for improving hair growth, perhaps due to its possible skin regenerative properties. It can also be an excellent antiseptic and anti-microbial agent.
Interesting fact: In medieval times Rosemary has been used in bouquets, symbolizing fidelity between marriage partners.
4 Ways to Use Rosemary Essential Oil
- Diffuse: Add a few drops to your diffuser. Clear the air with the purifying fragrance. If there is chest congestion it will keep the air fresh and clean.
- Mental- awakener -Bring vibrancy with this blend. Massage onto pulse points and inhale as needed.
In an amber glass roller bottle mix: 2 drops Rosemary + 2 drops Peppermint + 1 drop Basil + 2 tsp. Carrier oil - Body Reviving Bath
In a container mix: 10 drops Rosemary + 1 tbsp Castile Soap + 1 cup Epsom Salts - Overworked Muscles – Massage to relieve sore muscles and joints.
In an 1 oz amber glass dropper bottle mix: 10-12 drops Rosemary
How do you like to use Rosemary Essential Oil? ?
Cautions: Rosemary essential oil is generally non-toxic. People with epilepsy or high blood pressure should not use Rosemary essential oil. Do not use during pregnancy as it can induce uterine contractions.
I use Rosemary EO when I shampoo my hair. I add about 3 drops to my shampoo and shampoo as usual.
I had not heard ever, that those with high blood pressure should not use Rosemary EO. May I please inquire the reason? I take 1 medication for high BP. It’s not it’s out of control, but reading this makes me question if I should continue using it. I’ve been using it for about 4 years about 3 times a week.