A man went on a two week long vacation. While he was away from his apartment, his refrigerator stopped working and all of the food inside it including meats, eggs, and milk spoiled. When he arrived back he could not even enter the apartment as the rotten smell was just too unbearable. The manager of the complex sent the maintenance workers over right away to remove the refrigerator. After they removed the refrigerator the apartment was still saturated with the rotten smell! So, they brought an ozone machine to treat the apartment, to permanently erase all odors. It is an effective treatment used to eliminate odors permanently in the apartment industry, hotels, and home rentals. The resident arrived after the treatment was completed and he said “It just doesn’t smell right.” Many people who have had their apartment treated with an ozone machine have mentioned that “it feels empty, like something is missing” because not only did the machine eliminate bad odors, but there is no presence of smell at all. It kind of gives humans a strange feeling because we are used to smelling something in the air. Having zero fragrance, of even something natural makes us feel uncomfortable. Usually the professionals who use such devices spray some type of synthetic air fresheners to bring a more familiar smell back. In this article we will discuss how you can bring back the natural aromas into your home!
Our sense of smell
The sense of smell is directly linked to our brain. Do you ever notice when you inhale a pleasant aroma your immediate response might just be “mmm”. Aromas are interpreted in our limbic system part of our brain which is our emotional center. It may link the smell to events, memories or feelings. Because the smell of Essential Oils travel up our nose directly to our receptors, it is very difficult to have no reaction to smell at all as it is one of our most powerful senses. Our immediate response might be a sigh or a sense of comfort and relaxation.
Your Home
What is the first impression guest perceive when they first enter your home? It is not the decorations or how you arranged your furniture. The first thing to receive your guest is the aroma. The aroma of your home is your personal signature and can vary person to person. Many who have incorporated Essential Oils to “bring the aroma back” have had great feedback from visitors such as “It smells good in here” or “It just feels tranquil or relaxing”.
You can change aromas as you desire. For example, in times of illness, you might diffuse Essential Oils that are antibacterial or antiviral. In the fall I like to use spice oils such as cinnamon, clove, ginger, allspice, etc. In my office I use Essential Oils that keep me alert and promote mental clarity such as Peppermint, Rosemary, Basil, Lime, Bergamot, Grapefruit, and lemon. The same concept can be used from room to room of your home, depending on what type of effect you would like to have. The Eternity Blends can be incorporated as well.
Below are some ideas for your Fragrant Home. Be creative as all of these recipes can be adapted to YOUR favorite Essential Oils!
Bedroom Aromas- Some Essential Oils to assist with rest, relaxation and romance include: Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Clary Sage, Patchouli, Palma Rosa, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Ginger, Orange, Geranium, Black Pepper, sandalwood, Ho-wood, and Rose.
Kitchen Aromas- In the kitchen are found many aromas, from fresh baked desserts, to odors that aren’t as pleasant to some such as fish or cabbage. This is usually due to poor ventilation where the air doesn’t circulate to clear away the unpleasant smell.
Clean Kitchen Blend- This can be used to wipe down surfaces. Use 2 drops of each of the oils below in 2 ½ cups of water. These oils help with disinfecting and have a pleasant aroma. Use as a room spray, or to wipe down surfaces or clean floors. (Always test a small portion of the surfaces before using an essential oil)
Other oils that can be used include: Tea Tree, Pine, Lime, Orange, Grapefruit, Rosemary, Thyme, Lemongrass, Palmarosa.
Bathroom Aromas – Make a bathroom spray that helps with unpleasant odors as well as have antibacterial properties. Use 15-20 drops of each in an aluminum spray bottle with 1/2 water and 1/2 witch hazel. Add Essential Oils and witch hazel first to bottle and shake. Then add water. Shake before using.
Living Room Aromas
Relaxing Diffuser Blend- Add 2 drops of each of the oils below to your diffuser.
How are you incorporating Essential Oils into your Fragrant Home? Please share!
Looking for your barefut aromatherapy mist peppermint, and lavender.